Tag: pregnancy photographer Gloucestershire


Pregnancy photo shoot in the Cotswolds ~ Gloucestershire family photographer

I am delighted to share a few of my favourite photos from a beautiful pregnancy photo shoot in the Cotswolds. Congratulations to this gorgeous couple on a lovely baby boy! ❤

+ cheltenham pregnancy photo shoot

Rococo garden pregnancy photo shoot – Cheltenham family & children photographer

It was nice meeting this lovely couple for pregnancy photo session at Rococo garden  , what a gorgeous setting for a photo shoot!  

+ pregnancy photography Cotswolds Gloucestershire

Natural pregnancy and baby photography Gloucestershire & Cotswolds

I am thrilled to share this set of pregnancy timeline photos shot in the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside. It was a pleasure to watch the pregnancy progress from seven weeks to full term, and meet a gorgeous new baby in the end! March April May June July August September October  

Pregnancy photography through the seasons – Gloucestershire newborn photographer

I am delighted to share this set of pregnancy and newborn photos. Katerina and I first met when she was 10 weeks pregnant and carried on meeting once a month at the same spot under this beautiful tree and we managed to capture her growing baby bump and her gorgeous new baby as well as the full circle of seasonal changes from bare tree branches in March to … Read More Pregnancy photography through the seasons – Gloucestershire newborn photographer